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Revenue Operations

Aligning Sales and Marketing Teams

Creating a single revenue team - Starting at $3,000

  • Control your marketing with facts... not hopes

  • Identify, measure, and solve where your sales prospects feel disconnected

  • Understad how sales actions lead to results and how to develop your team.

  • Set KPIs and goals that your team understands how to accomplish

Showing you where misalignment crushes profitability and cash flow

Sales questions to ask yourself

  • ​Does your team have weekly measurable performance metrics connected to outcomes and results?

  • Is there a standardized best practice sales process, and is it being followed?

  • Is the current technology infrastructure adequately supporting sales operations?

  • Will your onboarding process and professional development retain your team, increase revenue, and enable you to scale?

Marketing questions to ask yourself

  • Do you have customers segmented by pain and profitability?

  • Can you identify and fix where your marketing fails to deliver more than awareness?

  • Do you have insight into the costs at each stage of your marketing process and how much it costs you not to fix issues?

  • Is your customer experience appealing and consistent as prospects interact with your marketing, sales, and operations teams?

  • Does your team know where opportunities exist in the market and how to exploit them?

Solve the relationship between sales and marketing to improve close rates.

Sales and marketing teams are notoriously competitive with each other but what if they operated as one revenue team? Where the marketers produced higher quality leads, and the sales team communicated their needs more clearly with marketing? Ultimately leading to higher close percentages and more revenue. 

Systemize your internal sales process to cut out the fluff

Messy CRMs and low quality leads make your sales teams work a lot harder than they have to. Improve how you qualify leads and contact your prospects to save your sales teams time and open up more room for them to spend time on the leads that matter. 

Make better marketing decisions by collecting better data

With improved systems comes improved data. Helping marketing perform more effectively, driving higher quality leads, and generating more sales for your company. 


Turn Marketing Into Measurable Reveue

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